A One-Sided Non-Intellectual Discussion on Big Data That I Will Not Tag On Principle

One of the reasons that I have stopped blogging (other than, you know, pure laziness/busy-ness/ trying to maintain those grades/that social life/those extracurriculars/and not really managing to keep it all under control) is that I am worried about big data stealing all my life experiences and building a dystopian future where I just TELL the companies everything they need to know about my life.

Which, you know, is probably happening anyway, without this blog.

I’ve also been informed from a trusted source that “All in all, you’re ALREADY prey to big data in ways far more profitable than this. The big data companies don’t care about your blog” which I’m not sure I 100% believe, but here we are, so I guess I believe it enough.

Also if I truly cared about Big Data, I guess I would stop doing some of my other online activities, like texting, but due to the fact that texting is kind of sort of how you make and keep friends in this day and age, and the fact that I don’t want to hinder my friend-making abilities even more than they are already hindered, I don’t think my texting will really be going away any time soon.

So you know, I don’t really have any excuses other than pure laziness/busy-ness/ trying to maintain those grades/that social life/those extracurriculars/and not really managing to keep it all under control. 🙂

But I guess the POINT of this tirade is that what I SHOULD be doing is documenting my life and giving it away to anyone who cares to read about it on the Internet…and me, because I (still) think I’m really funny, and would like to continue telling myself that in the future.

Also if I write enough blog posts during winter break I can schedule them all the way to the summer and never write another blog post during the semester. (I’m not going to do that. I’ve just spent all of winter break so far procrastinating and if current trends continue then I will continue to be procrastinating up and through the time I head back to school.)

(So what I’m really saying is… maybe? No.)


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